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Fitness Can Be Fun!

Being a new mom your mind is filled with all things baby- so much so that you may forget to think about yourself every once in a while.  What you need to remember is that in order to be the best mom we all know you are, you must take care of your baby, but also take care of yourself! The word fitness may seem foreign to you at this point but no worries; we have a few ways to easily integrate it back into your busy life.

Five Steps to Being a Fit and Fun Mom:

  1. Start your day off right. As you may know by now, babies don’t exactly have the most routine sleeping schedules. This means you will be up and down at all hours of the day (and night) – and it will be exhausting. Take the time in the morning to make yourself a good, healthy breakfast to keep you energized throughout the day (and it tastes better than the baby food your little one eats).  We like these quick healthy meals.
  2. Work out with your little one. Okay, we aren’t saying to make your new baby do 20 crunches/day, but if they are in the crawling phase- get on the floor with them and do some abs! In addition to using our Cinch and Atlas Bands, you will be looking good in no time! We love these great floor workouts!
  3. Break out the Stroller. What better way to stay active with your new baby than to go for a walk! This will get your heart rate up and help you spend some time out in the fresh air. As you progress, try jogging or running!
  4. Don’t buy junk food. Warning- this one may be tough. When you were pregnant your junk food cravings were normal and you may have easily given in to them, making this step all the more difficult. Think of it this way, if you don’t buy it, then you won’t eat it. Instead, load up your pantry with healthy options- here a few healthy snacks we like.
  5. Stay Positive. We always say at Cinch Tummy Wrap that being positive is key- and we mean it! You have taken on the toughest (and most rewarding) task there is- being a mother and we want you to feel great about yourself every single day.

We hope these tips help lead you down the path to a healthy, fit and fun lifestyle. Have more tips on staying fit post pregnancy? Share them with us below!

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